§ 12-861. Safety and sanitation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The number of persons regularly occupying the building shall not exceed one person (child or adult) for each 35 square feet of building area as determined by the city building code.


    A fire evacuation diagram shall be conspicuously posted in assembly rooms and classrooms in a child care center. All employees and staff members shall be instructed in fire emergency procedures. Fire evacuation drills shall be conducted at sufficient intervals to assure familiarity with emergency procedures among employees and staff members.


    Electrical outlets accessible to children shall be protected with childproof covers or safety outlets when not being used.


    A child care center shall not be located in a mobile home or in any part of a building other than the ground level.


    Employees and staff members shall not be present when ill with a contagious virus or other disease which may affect the health of other persons. Any child ill with a communicable disease shall be isolated from other children at the child care center. Persons shall not be permitted in the child care center whose health status or behavior suggests a hazard to the health, safety, and welfare of others, including symptoms of a contagious illness, a dangerous mental or physical condition, or symptoms of drug or alcohol intoxication.


    A child care center shall maintain an adequate amount of first-aid supplies including, but not limited to, soap, antiseptic solutions, absorbent cotton, cotton-tip applicators, tweezers, magnifying glass, sterile gauze, adhesive tape, and adhesive bandages. One medium-sized package or container of each of these first-aid supplies shall be maintained in an unopened reserve at all times. First-aid procedures and supplies shall be applied, including cleaning and bandaging, for any cut or bleeding abrasion of the skin.


    Permanent signs shall be conspicuously posted in restrooms and food service areas, so as to be noticed by normally observant individuals, reminding all persons to wash hands before eating and after using the toilet. Employees and staff members shall wash hands before and after changing a diaper and before feeding a child.

(Code 1982, § 15-212; Ord. No. 85-18, § XXII, 4-1-1985)