§ 20-82. Review of proposed projects.  

Latest version.
  • Permit applications shall be reviewed and approved by the floodplain administrator or his designee prior to authorizing any construction on a proposed project that may potentially cause any increased flooding to any area located within the city's jurisdiction and adjacent communities. Under provisions of 44 CFR chapter 1, section 65.8, the city or individual acting on behalf for the city may request a review and comment by the Federal Emergency Management Agency regarding whether a proposed project would justify a revision to the Flood Insurance Rate Map. Additionally, the city reserves the right to request a review of a proposed project from any other federal, state, or local government that may have jurisdiction over, or may be impacted by, the proposed project. For purposes of this section, construction includes clearing, grading, filling, placement of any obstruction within the floodplains, and any alterations to existing manmade improvements which are constructed or used for the purposed of reducing flood losses or are involved in the accommodation of floodwaters.

(Ord. No. 08-44, § 1(11-57), 9-2-2008)