Rockwall |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 32. SIGNS |
§ 32-307. Identification signs.
Identification signs shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from adjoining property lines on lots with 200 feet of frontage and over, a minimum of 20 feet on lots with over 100 feet and less than 200 feet of frontage, and a minimum of ten feet on lots with 100 feet of frontage or less and a minimum of 60 feet from any other freestanding sign.
The maximum area for identification signs shall not exceed 300 square feet along I-30 and 200 square feet along other roads. If the sign is also used as a directory for the site, the size may be increased to 360 square feet along I-30 and 260 square feet along other roads. In no case shall a separate directory sign and identification sign be permitted on the same frontage, but shall only be allowed as one combined sign. Identification signs located outside of the I-30 Overlay District must be monument style and are limited to a maximum size of 200 square feet. Identification signs in excess of seven feet in height are required to have a minimum 30-inch masonry base, measured from grade level to the bottom of the sign area, a minimum 12-inch masonry border on each side of the sign area, and a minimum six-inch masonry cap.
Upon approval of the sign board of review, identification signs may be placed on a city right-of-way. Any approved identification sign in the right-of-way must be provided permanent maintenance through an approved designated responsible party. The city retains the right to move, at the owner's expense, any such sign that is not maintained under the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 10-07, § 1(exh. A(15-234(B)(13))), 3-15-2010)