§ 44-311. Water distribution.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Backflow, siphonage requirements.


    No water connection from any public drinking water supply system shall be allowed to any residence or establishment where an actual or potential contamination hazard exists unless the public water facilities are protected from contamination.


    At any residence or establishment where an actual or potential contamination hazard exists, additional protection shall be required at the meter in the form of an air gap or backflow prevention assembly. The type of backflow prevention assembly required shall be determined by the specific potential hazard identified in section 44-313, Figure: 30 TAC § 290.47(I) of this title (relating to Appendices).


    At any residence or establishment where an actual or potential contamination hazard exists and an adequate internal cross connection control program is in effect, backflow protection at the water service entrance or meter is not required.


    An adequate internal cross connection control program shall include an annual inspection and testing by a certified backflow prevention assembly tester on all backflow prevention assemblies used for health hazard protection.


    Copies of all such inspection and test reports must be obtained and kept on file by the water purveyor.


    It will be the responsibility of the water purveyor to ensure that these requirements are met.


    No water connection from any public drinking water supply system shall be connected to any condensing, cooling, or industrial process or any other system of nonpotable usage over which the public water supply system officials do not have sanitary control, unless the connection is made in accordance with the requirements of subsection (1)a of this section. Water from such systems cannot be returned to the potable water supply.


    Overhead bulk water dispensing stations must be provided with an air gap between the filling outlet hose and the receiving tank to protect against back siphonage and cross contamination.


    All backflow prevention assemblies that are required according to this section and associated table located in section 44-313, Figure: 30 TAC § 290.47(I) of this title shall be tested upon installation by a recognized backflow prevention assembly tester and certified to be operating within specifications. Backflow prevention assemblies which are installed to provide protection against health hazards must also be tested and certified to be operating within specifications at least annually by a recognized backflow prevention assembly tester.


    Recognized backflow prevention assembly testers shall have completed an executive director approved course on cross connection control and backflow prevention assembly testing, pass an examination administered by the executive director, and hold current professional certification as a backflow prevention assembly tester.


    Backflow prevention assembly testers are qualified to test and repair assemblies on any domestic, commercial, industrial, or irrigation service.


    Backflow prevention assembly testers may test and repair assemblies on firelines only if they are permanently employed by an approved fireline contractor. The state fire marshal's office requires that any person performing maintenance on firelines must be employed by an approved fireline contractor.


    Gauges used in the testing of backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested for accuracy annually in accordance with the University of Southern California's Manual of Cross-Connection Control or the American Water Works Association Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control (Manual M14). Public water systems shall require testers to include test gauge serial numbers on "Test and Maintenance" report forms and ensure testers have gauges tested for accuracy.


    A test report must be completed by the recognized backflow prevention assembly tester for each assembly tested. The signed and dated original must be submitted to the public water supplier for record keeping purposes. Any form which varies from the format specified in Appendix F located in section 290.47(f) of this title must be approved by the executive director prior to being placed in use.


    The use of a backflow prevention assembly at the service connection shall be considered as additional backflow protection and shall not negate the use of backflow protection on internal hazards as outlined and enforced by local plumbing codes.


    At any residence or establishment where there is no actual or potential contamination hazard, a backflow prevention assembly is not required.

(Ord. No. 07-48, § 2(exh. A(290.44)), 11-19-2007)