§ 44-313. Assessment of hazard and selection of assemblies.  

Latest version.
  • Figure: 30 TAC § 290.47(I)

    Appendix I: Assessment of Hazards and Selection of Assemblies

    The following table lists many common hazards. It is not an all-inclusive list of the hazards which may be found connected to public water systems.

    Premises Isolation (Description of Premises) Assessment of Hazard Required Assembly
    Aircraft and missile plants Health RPBA or AG
    Animal feedlots Health RPBA or AG
    Automotive plants Health RPBA or AG
    Breweries Health RPBA or AG
    Canneries, packing houses and rendering plants Health RPBA or AG
    Commercial car wash facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Commercial laundries Health RPBA or AG
    Cold storage facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Connection to sewer pipe Health AG
    Dairies Health RPBA or AG
    Docks and dockside facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Dye works Health RPBA or AG
    Food and beverage processing plants Health RPBA or AG
    Hospitals, morgues, mortuaries, medical clinics, dental clinics, veterinary clinics, autopsy facilities, sanitariums, and medical labs Health RPBA or AG
    Metal manufacturing, cleaning, processing, and fabrication plants Health RPBA or AG
    Microchip fabrication facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Paper and paper products plants Health RPBA or AG
    Petroleum processing or storage facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Photo and film processing labs Health RPBA or AG
    Plants using radioactive material Health RPBA or AG
    Plating or chemical plants Health RPBA or AG
    Pleasure-boat marinas Health RPBA or AG
    Private/individual/unmonitored wells Health RPBA or AG
    Reclaimed water systems Health RPBA or AG
    Restricted, classified or other closed facilities Health RPBA or AG
    Rubber plants Health RPBA or AG
    Sewage lift stations Health RPBA or AG
    Sewerage treatment plants Health RPBA or AG
    Slaughterhouses Health RPBA or AG
    Steam plants Health RPBA or AG
    Tall buildings or elevation differences where the highest outlet is 80 feet or more above the meter Nonhealth DCVA
    Internal Protection—Description of Cross Connection Assessment of Hazard Recommended Assembly
    Aspirators Nonhealth;sd; AVB
    Aspirator (medical) Health AVB or PVB
    Autoclaves Health RPBA
    Autopsy and mortuary equipment Health AVB or PVB
    Bedpan washers Health AVB or PVB
    Connection to industrial fluid systems Health RPBA
    Connection to plating tanks Health RPBA
    Connection to saltwater cooling systems Health RPBA
    Connection to sewer pipe Health AG
    Cooling towers with chemical additives Health AG
    Cuspidors Health AVB or PVB
    Degreasing equipment Nonhealth;sd; DCVA
    Domestic space heating boiler Nonhealth;sd; RPBA
    Dye vats or machines Health RPBA
    Firefighting system (toxic liquid foam concentrates) Health RPBA
    Flexible showerheads Nonhealth;sd; AVB or PVB
    Heating equipment
    Commercial Nonhealth;sd; RPBA
    Domestic Nonhealth;sd; DCVA
    Hose bibbs Nonhealth;sd; AVB
    Irrigation systems
    With chemical additives Health RPBA
    without chemical additives Nonhealth;sd; DCVA, AVB, or PVB
    Kitchen equipment—Commercial Nonhealth;sd; AVB
    Lab bench equipment Health or Nonhealth;sd; AVB or PVB
    Ornamental fountains Health AVB or PVB
    Swimming pools
    Private Nonhealth;sd; PVB or AG
    Public Nonhealth;sd; RPBA or AG
    Sewage pump Health AG
    Sewage ejectors Health AG
    Shampoo basins Nonhealth;sd; AVB
    Specimen tanks Health AVB or PVB
    Steam generators Nonhealth;sd; RPBA
    Steam tables Nonhealth;sd; AVB
    Sterilizers Health RPBA
    Tank vats or other vessels containing toxic substances Health RPBA
    Trap primers Health AG
    Vending machines Nonhealth;sd; RPBA or PVB
    Watering troughs Health AG or PVB


    Note—AG = air gap; AVB = atmospheric vacuum breaker; DCVA = double check valve backflow prevention assembly; PVB = pressure vacuum breaker; RPBA = reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.

    AVBs and PVBs may be used to isolate health hazards under certain conditions, that is, backsiphonage situations. Additional area of premises isolation may be required.

    ;sd;Where a greater hazard exists (due to toxicity or other potential health impact) additional area protection with RPBAs is required

(Ord. No. 07-48, exh. A, 11-19-2007)