Rockwall |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 44. UTILITIES |
Article V. WATER |
§ 44-412. Plan adopted.
The city council hereby approves and adopts the city water conservation plan, attached to Ordinance No. 19-18 as "Exhibit A," which is incorporated as if fully set forth in this division and on file in the city secretary's office. As contained in section 9.4 of the plan, the following landscape water management measures are adopted and required by the city:
Time of day restrictions prohibit lawn irrigation watering from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. beginning April 1 and ending October 31 of each year.
Prohibition of watering of impervious surfaces, as provided by the Irrigation Ordinance 09-13, ch. 10, art. XVI, sec. 10-700 of the Code of Ordinances. Wind-driven water drift will be taken into consideration.
Prohibition of outdoor watering during rain or freeze events.
Lawn and landscape irrigation is limited to twice per week April 1 and ending October 31, except for irrigation systems installed with an evapo-transpiration controller or the use of a water hose with a shut-off nozzle, and for establishment of new lawn and landscaping for a period of 30 days or as approved in writing by the city.
Lawn and landscape irrigation is limited to once per week November 1 and ending March 31.
Rain and freeze sensors and/or evapo-transpiration controllers must be maintained to function properly.
At home and fundraising car washing may be done only when using a water hose with a shut-off nozzle.
Any person or customer, defined pursuant to 30 Tex. Admin. Code ch. 291, failing to comply with the provisions of the plan shall be subjected to a fine of up $2,000.00 and/or discontinuance of water service by the city. Proof of a culpable mental state is not required for a conviction of an offense under this section. Each day a customer fails to comply with the plan is a violation. The city's authority to seek injunctive or other relief available under the law is not limited by this section.
(Ord. No. 19-18, § 1, 4-15-2019)