§ 3.1. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Candela means a measurement quantified in unit(s) of luminous intensity in any given direction. It is also commonly referred to as candlepower(s).

    Floodlight means an artificial illumination in broad beam, above 15 watts with a light source that extends more than two inches below the horizontal plane of the laminar.

    Footcandle or FC means the amount of illumination provided by one lumen uniformly distributed on one square foot of surface.

    (Ord. No. 10-14, § 50, 7-6-2010)

    Full cut-off means a light source that does not extend below the horizontal plan of the luminaire.

    Light source means the device which produces visible energy, such as a bulb.

    Lumen means the quantity of luminous flux intercepted by a surface of one square foot, all points of which are one foot from a uniform source of one candela. A one-candela source provides 12.57 lumens.

    Luminaire means a complete lighting unit including a light source and all necessary mechanical, electrical, reflective, and decorative parts.

    Partial cut-off means a light source that extends no more than one inch below the horizontal plan of luminaire.

    (Ord. No. 10-14, § 50, 7-6-2010)

    Standard means the light pole and base.

    Temporary holiday lighting means the type of lighting typically used during the holiday periods.