Rockwall |
Code of Ordinances |
Division 1. GENERALLY |
§ 12-309. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Applicant means a person who has filed a formal written application with the city code enforcement department for the purpose of a special event permit.
Code official means the building official of the city or the person or department to whom the building official may, from time to time, delegate the enforcement responsibility.
Mass gathering means any meeting or gathering held at one specific location within the city limits, wherein anyone in attendance at the meeting or gathering is or is not expected to be within a permanent structure and which attracts or can be expected to attract more than 500 persons who will remain at the location of the meeting or gathering for a period of four hours or more.
Nonprofit fundraising event means a fundraising event planned, organized, promoted, managed and held wholly by a legitimate nonprofit organization, whereby all the proceeds raised during the event will benefit the sponsoring agency.
Parade means the assembly of three or more persons whose gathering is for the common design and purpose of moving in procession from one location to another.
Permit fee means the fee amount as established by resolution for issuance of a special event permit within the city.
Permit holder means the person to whom a special event permit is granted pursuant to this article.
Person means any individual, assumed named entity, partnership, association, corporation, firm or organization that promotes, organizes, manages, finances or holds a special event.
Right-of-way means any street, avenue, boulevard, highway, sidewalk, alley, or similar place which is owned or controlled by a governmental entity.
Schedule of fees means the total of fees, as applicable, but not limited to, permit fees and any additional costs or fees that may be incurred due to a special event as established by the code official.
Sidewalk means any portion of street between the curb or the lateral lines of the roadway and the adjacent property line, all or a part of which is intended for the use of pedestrians.
Special event means an occurrence which takes place on a periodic or special occasion, wholly or partially on the city's rights-of-way, public property or private property, which may cause an interruption of regular activities of the citizens when the needs of traffic, parking, restrooms, crowds, zoning, etc., exceed the original design and intent of the site or location or may require the special attention and involvement of city personnel or facilities. Examples of such activities are, but not limited to, nonprofit fundraising events, tent sales, parking lot sales, political rallies (except those held at a private residence), amusement rides, parades, carnivals, marathons, walk-a-thons, festivals, closings of a public street, blocking or restriction of public property or where otherwise may be prohibited by this Code or the Unified Development Code.
Special event permit means written approval from the code official to hold a special event within the city.
Street means any public or private street, alley, avenue, lane, boulevard, drive, public place or highway commonly used for the purpose of travel within the city.
(Ord. No. 10-03, § 2(exh. A(15-125)), 2-1-2010)