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  • Planned Development No. Ordinance No. Approval Date Notes, Restrictions, etc.
    PD-1 (Eastridge Shopping Center; Rockwall Commons Mixed Use) 72-2 Prior to 1972 Shopping center (general retail uses) and multiple-family dwellings
    83-21 May 2, 1983 Added office uses
    02-49 November 4, 2002 Mixed use
    12-03 February 6, 2012 PD concept/development plan for mixed use development
    16-60 November 21, 2016 Allows brewery and distillery (excluding brewpub)
    PD-2 (Lakeside Village and Turtle Cove) 72-2 Prior to 1972 Lakeside Village (SF, MF, zero-lot line, cluster homes, etc.)
    73-33 Sep. 4, 1973 Lakeside Village VI (later to be known as Turtle Cove)
    80-19 1980 Allow a cable TV monitor station
    84-53 Nov. 5, 1984 Revised area requirements, development plan for Lakeside Village Phases I thru IV
    85-16 Mar. 18, 1985 Turtle Cove (revised plan, area requirements, etc.)
    86-28 Apr. 21, 1986 Amended PD-2 for a private club as an accessory to a general restaurant
    96-6 Mar. 4, 1996 Turtle Cove (revised plan, additional standards, open space, etc.)
    PD-3 (The Shores) 72-2 Prior to 1972 The Shores (SF, cluster housing, etc.)
    73-2 1973 439.70 Acre development (various uses)
    77-19A Oct. 3, 1977 586.8 Acre development (various uses)
    80-33 1983 Thoroughfare phasing plan
    84-59 Dec. 3, 1984 RV storage area
    86-23 Apr. 8, 1986 Private club (The Shores Clubhouse)
    86-39 May 19, 1986 30.35-acre tract (SF uses)
    86-61 July 21, 1986 Revised thoroughfare phasing plan
    89-4 Mar. 20, 1989 Amended development plan, area requirements, etc
    96-23 June 24, 1996 Amended development plan, area requirements, entry features, etc.
    15-01 Jan. 5, 2015 Changed 10,000 square foot tract to SF-10
    PD-4 (FM 740 and railroad) 72-3 Jan. 27, 1972 Subject to "NS" and "GR" uses and requirements, except for certain uses not permitted (i.e., private clubs, gasoline stations, drive-in restaurants, laundry and cleaning, etc.)
    01-26 June 18, 2001 Designated tract for "GR" uses only, with exceptions specified in Ord. No. 72-3
    PD-5 (YMCA tract, Caruth Lakes, Quail Run Valley, Quail Run Retail, etc) 73-31 Sep. 4, 1973 Development plan for 539.329 Acres, including SF, cluster homes, duplexes, townhouses, MF, NS, GR, church, school, park, community center and golf course, etc.
    87-23 May 18, 1987 Amended development plan and area requirements for 501.9 acres (excl. 45.96 acre YMCA)
    88-11 Apr. 4, 1988 Amended portion of PD-5 to "SF-10" zoning designation
    96-25 July 1, 1996 "GR", "SF-7", "SF-8.4" and "ZL-5" areas
    00-28 Oct. 2, 2000 "GR" + pharmacy, restaurants w/drive-through and outdoor seating, convenience store with 6 gas pump dispensers, etc.
    PD-6 - - Does not exist
    PD-7 (The Harbor) 73-47 November 12, 1973 41.2 acres to include neighborhood service, single-family, townhouses, multiple-family, water recreation uses
    82-36 August 2, 1982 Revised site plan, hotel use, etc.
    87-11 April 6, 1987 Revised site plan, removed multi-family
    17-11 March 6, 2017 Incorporate a portion of PD-32 into PD-7
    PD-8 (Chandler's Landing) 73-48 Nov. 12, 1973 Original master plan of Chandlers Landing
    84-04 Jan. 9, 1984 Revised master plan
    84-16 Apr. 2, 1984 Revised master plan for "Tract I-A" (aka Harbor Landing) - "SF-10" and "SF-7" detached development
    *Also see resolutions 87-19, 87-20 for agreement settlements
    84-19 Apr. 2, 1984 Revised master plan (marina)
    85-43 Aug. 26, 1985 Revised master plan (Chandlers Landing Phases 14, 18 section 1, 19 and 20) + conditions regarding FM 740 improvements
    86-04 Jan. 20, 1986 Revised master plan (Part of Chandlers Landing Phase 16, including zero lot line area requirements)
    86-64 July 28, 1986 Revised master plan (portion of Chandlers Landing Phases 15, 16)
    86-87 Nov. 3, 1986 Revised master plan, amenities, park and recreation facilities, etc.
    87-45 Aug. 17, 1987 Revised master plan (Chandlers Landing Phase 17 - zero lot line)
    88-17 May 2, 1988 Added Lot 2, Scenic Estates (aka Rutledge Tract) to PD-8 for recreation, play area, community center, etc., with additional conditions
    PD-8 (Chandler's Landing)—Cont'd. 88-51 Oct. 3, 1988 Revised master plan (part of Chandlers Landing Phase 18, Section 2 for SF detached)
    90-38 Nov. 5, 1990 Revised master plan (Cabanas)
    91-43 Oct. 7, 1991 Revised master plan (Chandlers Landing Phase 17, 18 Section 1, and 18 Section 2 for "SF-10" development)
    92-39 Oct. 19, 1992 Revised master plan to change from MF to zero lot line (Marina Village)
    92-41 Nov. 16, 1992 Revised master plan (Chandlers Landing Phase 15 - changed from Zero lot line to SF detached)
    92-43 Dec. 7, 1992 Revised master plan - Chandlers Landing 18, Section 1 (3 lots) - changed from townhouse to SF detached
    02-50 Nov. 4, 2002 Provided for limited storage/sales of boats and limited storage of RVs
    05-30 July 5, 2005 "SF-7" uses and standards on Lot 2, Scenic Estates (1.21-acres), no access to/from FM 740
    14-15 Apr. 7, 2014 Amended density and dimensional requirements for Cabanas at Chandler's Landing
    PD-9 (Foxchase, Rainbow Lake Estates, Horizon Ridge, etc.) 73-49 Nov. 12, 1973 Original master plan
    86-55 June 16, 1986 Repealed Ord. No. 73-49; Revised master plan for single-family, general retail, office/warehouse and "O" uses
    87-30 June 1, 1987 Revised 'office/warehouse tract'
    88-13 May 2, 1988 Added 'garden centers' as approved use
    88-20 June 6, 1988 Changed "SF-12.5" to "SF-10" (1.7-acre tract only); removal of 7-acre amenities area; addition of 3.5-acre park, etc.
    95-17 June 5, 1995 Added minimum requirements for construction materials
    01-43 Sep. 17, 2001 Allowances for 4-pump gasoline convenience store as accessory to grocery retail facility, with conditions
    04-02 Jan. 5, 2004 Added 36.54-acres (part of Rainbow Lake Estates and Foxchase 7)
    11-31 July 5, 2011 Allowances for proposed fuel center in conjunction with existing Kroger store
    13-43 November 4, 2013 Changed zoning from SF-22.5 to SF-12.5 for a 4.96-acre portion of PD-9
    PD-10 (Cambridge Properties, Meadowcreek Estates, Hickory Ridge, etc.) 74-32 Nov. 4, 1974 Established master plan for 16 tracts, including "LI", "C", "GR", "MF-1", "SF-2", townhouse, cluster home, "O" and recreational areas, etc.
    96-3 Feb. 19, 1996 Revised master plan for south of Hwy 276 (Meadowcreek Estates, Hickory Ridge, 6 commercial tracts, fire station)
    00-08 Apr. 3, 2000 Revised master plan, area requirements for Hickory Ridge area
    04-25 Apr. 5, 2004 Amended zoning for property north of Hwy 276, including settlement agreement and development standards (includes multi-family, townhouses, age-restricted, commercial, park areas, etc.)
    04-40 June 21, 2004 Revised area requirements to allow for 45% maximum building coverage in Hickory Ridge Phase 4 (233 lots)
    12-13 July 2, 2012 Adding additional premitted uses (Retail/gas store with a maximum of maximum six dispensers that could accommodate 12 vehicles) in part of Tract 3
    13-39 October 21, 2013 Changed zoning from single-family detached and townhome uses to general retail for a 3.816-acre tract situated within the J. Cadle Survey
    PD-11 (Hillcrest Shores) 73-52 Dec. 3, 1973 Original master plan
    80-13 July 7, 1980 Revised plan (Tracts I and II are "SF-2"; Tracts III, IV and V to be "PD-11")
    93-11 June 7, 1993 Revised plan — all tracts to comply to "SF-10" standards with add'l conditions
    01-08 Mar. 19, 2001 Revised standards and added 9+ acres to PD-11 (Hillcrest Shores Phase 3)
    04-37 June 7, 2004 Revised area requirements to allow for 20-ft front yard setback
    PD-12 (S. Alamo) 80-14 July 7, 1980 0.723 acres, 7 lots (Residential development at southeast corner of Boydstun and S. Alamo Rd)
    06-46 Nov. 6, 2006 Added 108 Ross Ave (2 lots)
    PD-13 (Windmill Ridge, Our Savior Lutheran Church Addition) 81-5 Feb. 2, 1981 149.97-acre tract with single-family, two-family attached, local retail, park, church, etc., + other conditions
    84-43 Sep. 10, 1984 Temporary metal classroom building at Lutheran Church property
    94-41 Dec. 19, 1994 Changed duplex and general retail tract to single-family detached (Windmill Ridge 4 and 4B)
    PD-14 (Rockwall Business Park East) 82-2 Jan. 4, 1982 56.08-acre development including office, retail, light industrial, warehousing, hotel, medical facilities and restaurants
    83-60 Dec. 5, 1983 Revised site plan, including requirements for landscaping plan, noncombustible materials, etc.
    *Rezoned "C" via Ord. No. 09-42
    PD-15 (Signal Ridge) 82-14 Feb. 1, 1982 Master plan for single-family, condominium residential uses, with masonry standards, roofing, max. density, max. height, etc.
    83-19 Apr. 4, 1983 Added 20 acres to original plan
    83-62 Dec. 5, 1983 Amended site plan
    PD-16 82-22 May 3, 1982 "GR" uses allowed on Lot 1, Isaac Brown and Lot 28, Lake Ridge Estates
    *Rezoned to "GR" via Ord. No. 85-24
    PD-17 (Lynden Park Estates) 82-26 May 17, 1982 32.328-acre tract
    95-50 Dec. 4, 1995 Revised site plan (103.79 acres total development) for SF uses and 12-ac park
    03-24 Aug. 4, 2003 Amendment to allow for 45% maximum building coverage on Lynden Park Estates Phases 3 and 4
    PD-18 (Lago Vista, Rockwall Assisted Living, and Community Bank Addition) 82-32 July 6, 1982 39.559-acres; Phase I = "O" and "GR" uses;
    85-23 Apr. 8, 1985 General retail, zero lot line and townhouse development plan
    94-18 May 2, 1994 Changed portion to "SF-10" (Lago Vista)
    PD-19 82-37 Aug. 2, 1982 Residential condominiums not to exceed 15 units/acre
    87-37 July 20, 1987 Revised plan to allow for zero lot line residential development
    PD-20 (Orleans on the Lake) 82-38 Aug. 2, 1982 Residential condominiums not to exceed 15 units/acre
    84-34 July 2, 1984 Revised plan to allow for zero lot line residential development (6.9 units/acre)
    87-38 July 20, 1987 Repealed Ord. No. 84-34 and amended Ord. No. 82-38, providing a development plan for zero lot line dev.
    PD-21 (St. Mary's Place) 83-11 Mar. 7, 1983 Zero lot line residential not to exceed 9 units/acre
    PD-22 (Portofino site) 83-18 Apr. 4, 1983 Established 6.89-acre development plan for marina, retail, office, condos, restaurant, hotel, etc.; max. height of 10 stories
    84-52 Nov. 5, 1984 Amended plan including "Lake Ray Hubbard Hotel and Conference Resort"
    PD-23 (Waggoner Gardens) 85-15 Mar. 18, 1985 Established site plan for "Garden Center" with additional conditions
    *Rezoned to "C" via Ord. No. 89-36
    PD-24 (Ed Rich Development) 86-17 Mar. 3, 1986 Hardware/lumberyard with outside storage
    *Rezoned to "LI" via Ord. No. 89-42
    PD-25 (Jim Pannell) 86-59 July 21, 1986 Restaurant/private club
    *Rezoned to "C" via Ord. No. 89-6
    PD-26 (Lane Business Park @ 1520 E I-30) 87-5 Feb. 16, 1987 "LI" uses + contractor's yard, auto sales, paint and body shop, accessory outside storage; with additional conditions and development plan
    PD-27 (Cameron Gardens, Heritage Christian Academy) 87-31 June 1, 1987 10.9-Ac development for MF retirement community, w/accessory uses
    04-43 July 19, 2004 Amended to allow for recreational uses in conjunction with a school. Included requirement for final plat within 60 days, and construction of emergency access, Damascus Rd, etc., within 3 years
    PD-28 "Total Car Care") 87-61 Sep. 28, 1987 *Rezoned to "C" via Ord. No. 89-1
    PD-29 (Lakeview Summit) 87-66 Oct. 19, 1987 "SF-7" development with 1,500-s.f. min. dwelling unit, etc.
    96-02 Feb. 5, 1996 Amended and expanded PD to allow for 610 total lots to adhere to "SF-10" standards with 50% 10,000-s.f. lots, 30% 8,000-s.f. lots and 20% 7,000-s.f. lots, etc.
    PD-30 (Lots 1-4, Block D, Sanger Bros. Addn) 88-55 Nov. 7, 1988 "2F" duplex development with additional requirements for storage buildings (Rockwall Housing Authority)
    PD-31 (WH Myre; south side of I-30 W of Commerce St 89-2 Mar. 6, 1989 "HC" area requirements including office, outside storage of heavy equip/trucks, landscaping material, nursery, retail automotive repair, fuel storage, etc.
    PD-32 (The Harbor "Hillside" - SW of Horizon Rd; NW of Ridge Rd; including Summer Lee Extension) 89-20 June 19, 1989 "C" standards, and CUP required for gas sales, auto repair, etc.
    02-55 December 2, 2002 Amended/expanded PD, designating tract under "GR" uses, excluding gasoline sales; with view protection standards, architectural review, etc.
    08-11 February 4, 2008 Expanded PD-32 to include IH-30 frontage; outlines permitted uses throughout PD
    10-21 September 20, 2010 Expanded district boundaries; incorporated a concept plan; divided district into subdistricts
    11-16 May 2, 2011 Approval of development plan for a tract within the "Summit Office" subdistrict
    11-43 October 3, 2011 Approval of development plan for a tract within the "Harbor Residential," "Freeway Frontage" and "Harbor Link Mixed Use" subdistricts
    13-16 June 17, 2013 Approval of development plan for a 12.72-acre tract of land
    14-51 November 17, 2014 Approval of development plan for a 2.893-acre parcel of land
    16-13 February 1, 2016 Allows financial institution with drive-through facilities with the Ridge Road retail subdistrict
    16-48 November 19, 2016 Approval of development plan for a 4.034-acre portion of a tract of land
    16-54 October 3, 2016 Approval of development plan for a 2.143-acre portion of a 6.915-acre tract of land
    17-22 May 1, 2017 Codifies changes made by Ord. No. 16-13
    17-64 December 18, 2017 Approval of a development plan on approximately 7.344 acres, identified as Lot 9, Block A, Harbor-Rockwall Addition and Tract 16 of the M.J. Barksdale Survey, Abstract No. 11
    18-16 March 5, 2018 Approval of development plan for 9.081-acre tract of land identified as Lot 2A, Isaac Brown Addition and Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Harbor Village Addition
    19-21 May 6, 2019 Approval of development plan for a 7.344-acre property, and superseding Ord. No. 17-64
    PD-33 (Newman Center) 90-9 Apr. 23, 1990 "C" zoning standards, plus wholesale trades; wood working/cabinet shop; warehousing and storage; tool, dye, gauge and machine shop; excluding outside storage
    *Rezoned "C" via Ord. No. 00-22 (Rockwall Honda)
    PD-34 (Yahoo Addition) 91-9 Feb. 18, 1991 "LI" uses + fencing and construction materials, outside display of fence materials; storage to meet "HwyC" Highway Commercial standards, etc.
    *Rezoned "LI" via Ord. No. 04-65
    PD-35 (Granite and Marble Consultants, Inc.) 91-29 July 1, 1991 "LI" zoning standards and uses; outside storage allowed in conjunction with stone fabricating operation only; plus additional landscaping and building improvements
    *Rezoned "LI" via Ord. No. 09-43
    PD-36 (North side of I-30, W of Enterprise Dr) 92-36 Oct. 5, 1992 "HwyC" Highway Commercial uses and standards, plus automotive, paint and body, and other repair services, excluding wrecking yards; tool, dye, gauge and machine shop; warehousing and storage; electronic component assembly; outside storage to comply with "HwyC" standards.
    *Rezoned "LI" via Ord. No. 04-65
    PD-37 (Dirkse and Woodall properties near N. Goliad and Dalton) 92-44 Dec. 7, 1992 "SF-16" uses and standards with home office standards
    99-44 Oct. 18, 1999 Allows up to 4 horses on entire property
    PD-38 (East corner of Sids and Mims) 93-10 June 7, 1993 "HC" zoning standards and uses, plus "cast stone fabrication"
    PD-39 (Canyon Ridge) 93-45 Dec. 20, 1993 "MF-15" zoning standards with max. density of 22.3 units/acre and as-built site plan
    PD-40 (Benton Woods, Benton Court) 94-7 Feb. 7, 1994 "SF-10" zoning standards with min. 2,500 s.f. dwelling size, landscaping and decorative walks, 50-ft building line, etc.
    PD-41 (The Preserve, formerly known as Hillcrest Meadows) 94-15 Apr. 4, 1994 145.744-acre single-family development plan with road improvements, parkland requirements, etc.
    01-27 June 18, 2001 Revised development plan and area requirements
    PD-42 (Barton on Boydstun) 95-14 May 1, 1995 Artist studio/artist retreat, art gallery and single-family home
    01-31 July 16, 2001 Revised site plan and addition of "Of" district uses, specifically office buildings for professional occupations (excluding medical offices)
    PD-43 (Sids Rd) 96-37 Oct. 15, 1996 "C" zoning standards and uses, plus warehousing and light assembly uses
    PD-44 (Helwing property) 97-28 Nov. 3, 1997 "C" zoning standards and uses, plus commercial trucking operation and outdoor storage of vehicles in association with trucking operation
    09-03 Feb. 2, 2009 Expanded PD to allow area (1.5 acres) for "truck driver training" with no outdoor storage
    PD-45 (Lofland Farms) 98-16 Apr. 20, 1998 172.854-acre development including two "GR" tracts, two "SF-8.4" tracts and one "SF-10" tract; including screening, landscaping, masonry standards, etc.
    PD-46 (FM 549, Springer Rd) 99-05 Mar. 1, 1999 "C" zoning standards, plus special exterior materials requirements, etc.
    14-42 Oct. 6, 2014 Amended to allow a rental store with outside storage on Track 2, Lot 00 of Exh. B of Ord. No. 99-05
    PD-47 (FM 740, White Rd) 99-17 June 7, 1999 "SF-10" standards w/ minimum 3,000 s.f. dwelling size, etc.
    07-04 Jan. 16, 2007 Amended to allow for cell antenna inside church steeple
    PD-48 (NWC SH 66 and Lakeshore Dr) 99-21 July 6, 1999 "GR" zoning standards, + concept plan requirements; additional requirements for gas/convenience store development
    PD-49 (Walmart Neigh. Market) 01-12 Apr. 2, 2001 "GR" zoning standards (see ordinance for excluded uses), plus landscaping standards, architectural controls, and other special requirements
    PD-50 (N. Goliad Residential-Office) 01-53 August 5, 2002 "RO" standards/uses, plus compliance with "commercial guidelines" of Rockwall Historic District; mutual access and no front yard parking; office parking = 1 space per 500 s.f.; site plan review, etc.
    02-46 August 6, 2002 Expanded PD to include west side of N. Goliad (i.e., 401—505)
    04-24 April 5, 2004 Add "studio — art, music and photography" and "massage therapist" uses
    04-39 June 21, 2004 Expanded PD to include properties addressed as 902—912 N. Goliad (approx. 2.19-acres)
    05-03 January 18, 2005 Expanded PD to include property at 507 N. Goliad
    05-08 April 4, 2005 Expanded PD to include property at 603 N. Goliad
    05-18 April 18, 2005 Allowed "antiques/collectable sales" with a specific use permit (SUP), maximum building size of 2,000 s.f., prohibition of new/used clothing sales and individual lease areas within store
    05-35 August 1, 2005 Expanded PD to include properties on west side of N. Goliad from 703 N. Goliad to 925 N. Goliad
    07-29 August 20, 2007 Removed reference to Old Town Rockwall Historic District Guidelines
    16-15 February 1, 2016 Allows a banquet facility by specific use permit
    17-19 April 17, 2017 Allows animal clinic for small animals by specific use permit
    PD-51 (Oaks of Buffalo Way 2) 01-61 Nov. 19, 2001 "SF-E" zoning standards, with attached development plan
    PD-52 (Boydstun and Clark) 02-14 March 18, 2002 "HC" zoning standards, with use and screening requirements as specified in PD ordinance
    16-45 Aug. 15, 2016 Allows townhomes on a 2.048-acre tract of land
    19-08 Feb. 4, 2019 Changed zoning to "RO" on a 0.789-acre tract. Also PD-59.
    PD-53 (Ridge Rd south of Summit Ridge) 02-33 July 1, 2002 "R-O" zoning standards, plus joint access requirements; SF dwelling allowed as accessory use; no parking in front of building; site plan review, etc.
    PD-54 (Flagstone Creek) 02-52 Dec. 2, 2002 "SF-10" zoning standards, with max. 121 SF lots; avg lot size of 11,792-s.f.; minimum 2.000-s.f. dwelling size; anti-monotony; etc.
    04-31 May 3, 2004 Amended development plan to include 12-acres of office/retail development along Ralph Hall Pkwy, with special requirements; and "SF-10" tract reduced to 87 lots; avg. lots size = 11,620 s.f., etc.
    PD-55 (Tropical John's) 03-40 Oct. 6, 2003 "GR" zoning standards; use limited to a plant nursery or garden center
    *Rezoned "DT" via Ord. No. 07-34
    PD-56 (Burks Addition) 04-30 May 3, 2004 "GR" zoning standards, with limited uses, open space requirements, etc.
    PD-57 (Alliance Addition) 04-48 Aug. 16, 2004 "C" zoning standards with concept plan, architectural standards, etc.
    PD-58 (Dalton Ranch) 04-54 Sep. 7, 2004 "SF-10" with concept plan, maximum density of 2 units/acre, landscaping standards, etc.
    PD-59 (Park Place West) 04-59 Oct. 18, 2004 "NS," "SF-7" zoning standards, plus specified accessory uses, special neighborhood standards and open space requirements, etc.
    06-51 Dec. 11, 2006 Amended to increase the maximum lot coverage to 60% and to allow for front yard fences
    19-08 Feb. 4, 2019 Changed zoning to "RO" on a 0.789-acre tract. Also PD-52.
    PD-60 (Mims Rd) 05-05 Mar. 7, 2005 "RO" zoning standards, with limited uses, 20-ft landscape buffer, limited to single-story, signage and lighting restrictions, etc.
    PD-61 (Valley Drive) 05-19 Apr. 18, 2005 Zero lot line with development plan, architectural standards, sidewalk and open space requirements, etc.
    *Rezoned "SF-10" via Ord. No. 07-10
    PD-62 (S. Goliad and Bourn) 05-42 Sep. 6, 2005 "GR," "ZL-5" and "SF-10" zoning standards with concept plan, alley and parking requirements, signage restrictions, etc.
    PD-63(Lakes of Somerset) 05-51 Oct. 3, 2005 "SF" (3 lot sizes) with development plan, open space and park dedication requirements, anti-monotony, etc.
    14-49 Nov. 17, 2014 Modified concept plan, open space plan and development standards for 139.354-acre tract of land
    PD-64 (Fontanna) 05-58 Nov. 7, 2005 "SF" (min. 12,000-s.f., 2,250-s.f. dwelling unit, etc.) with development plan, open space and park dedication, fencing restrictions, anti-monotony, etc.
    PD-65 (North Lakeshore Valley) 06-02 January 3, 2006 "GR" zoning standards, with limited uses, building size and height restrictions, no outside display, etc.
    08-02 January 7, 2008 Amended concept plan
    10-28 October 18, 2010 Two household propane exchange cages allowed on property
    17-03 January 3, 2017 Rezoned 49.35-acre tract of land
    PD-66 The Highlands (aka Firenza) 06-20 June 5, 2006 "SF" (3 lot types) and "NS" as defined with open space, landscaping, fencing and building standards
    PD-67 (Fontanna Phase 3) 06-21 June 5, 2006 "SF" (min. 12,000-s.f., 2,250-s.f. dwelling unit, etc) with development plan, open space and park dedication, fencing restrictions, anti-monotony, etc.
    PD-68 (Evergreen at Rockwall) 06-32 August 21, 2006 "C" with use limitations, plus "age-restricted senior housing" on 6.3 acres with special conditions
    17-05 January 17, 2017 Incorporation of a single-family subdivision for a 14.475-acre portion of land
    PD-69 (Green Valley "RO") 07-09 Mar. 5, 2007 "RO" with defined uses, parking restrictions, etc.
    PD-70 (Stone Creek - Residential and Retail) 07-13 Apr. 2, 2007 935 SF lots, mixed lot sizes, Retail at SH 205/FM 552, open space requirements, school site, etc.
    09-01 Jan. 5, 2009 PD development plan for Stone Creek Retail (Tom Thumb, retail center)
    09-44 Oct. 19, 2009 Amended PD to reduce lot count to 918 SF lots, added 7 acres "retail" at SW corner of development, etc.
    11-35 August 15, 2011 Amendment of PD Concept Plan
    17-08 February 6, 2017 Approval of development plan for a 7.46-acre portion of a tract of land
    PD-71 (Rockwall Property Corp.) 07-19 June 18, 2007 "C" with use limitations
    08-45 Sep. 2, 2008 Added 0.7-acre tract into PD
    PD-72 (Watson Estates) 08-34 July 7, 2008 "SF-E/4.0" standards, except minimum lot frontage is 60-ft. (3 lots maximum per PD concept plan)
    PD-73 (Rockwall Technology Park) 09-09 March 2, 2009 "C" zoning with use limitations, special requirements, etc.
    PD-74 (Breezy Hill - 405 Acres) 09-19 April 20, 2009 658 SF lots, mixed lot sizes, 50 acres of retail at John King Blvd and FM 552 with development plan requirement, designated open space and school tracts, etc.
    12-26 September 1, 2012 Amended PD Concept Plan, Development Standards and Capital Facilities Agreement
    14-26 July 7, 2014 Amended PD Concept Plan and Development Standards adopted by Ord. 12-26
    16-59 November 7, 2016 Amended planned development concept plan and development standards
    17-60 November 6, 2017 Amended planned development concept plan and development standards approved with Ord. No. 16-59
    PD-75 (Lake Rockwall Estates) 09-37 September 21, 2009 "SF-7" + special standards (e.g., 5,000 s.f. minimum lot size, fencing, masonry requirements, waiver provision, etc.); restrictions for "one-time replacement" of manufactured home in Area 2; designated open space areas
    16-01 January 4, 2016 Amended Exhibits B and C of Ord. No. 09-37
    PD-76 14-50 November 17, 2014 Changed the zoning from AG to PD for SF-1 land uses for 107 one-acre lots on 138.79 acres
    PD-77 15-20 July 6, 2015 Changed zoning from AG to PD for SF-10 land uses on 29.192-acre tract
    PD-78 Reserved for future use
    PD-79 16-07 January 4, 2016 Changed zoning from AG to SF-8.4 for a 45.318-acre tract of land
    16-39 June 6, 2016 Amended concept plan and incorporates 11.121 acres into existing development
    PD-80 16-08 January 4, 2016 Changed zoning from AG to SF-8.4 on 44.56-acre tract of land
    PD-81 16-42 June 6, 2016 Changed zoning from AG to SF-10 on a 29.541-acre tract of land
    PD-82 (Tracts 3, 8 and 16 of the J.A. Ramsey Survey) 18-08 January 2, 2018 Incorporates a 98.341-acre tract of land into the existing 81.49-acre tract of land, creating a 179.831-acre planned development district