Latest version.
  • These guidelines provide the general standards for acceptable physical characteristics of each building or structure and site, and any modifications thereto within the Old Town Rockwall Historic District). The goal is to achieve maximum adherence to the guidelines with a minimum of delay or confusion to designated Historic District property owners.

    The guidelines are designed to provide as much flexibility as possible while continuing to promote the objectives set forth in the [Unified Development Code].


    A committee of the Old Town Rockwall Historic District residents is available to serve in an advisory role for individual projects in the district. The Old Town Rockwall historic district committee is established as a standing committee of the Rockwall historic preservation advisory board. The Old Town Rockwall historic district committee will also be available to assist the board at their request.


    The "contributing" historic structures and "non-contributing" properties within the designated Historic District are listed in appendix A.


    Historic properties 50 years of age or older are deemed to have acquired historical significance in their own right and are eligible to be included in the Old Town Rockwall historic district registry. Nomination applications may be obtained from the department of community development. Completed forms should be submitted to the historic preservation advisory board for Historic District designation approval. Forms delivered to the historic preservation officer will be forwarded to the board chairman.